In this video it shows the code to download a JPG file from FTP server and then display it over an ImageView in your Android App. It uses following dependency in the code: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at:…
Tag: dir
How to get the list of cache files and directories of your Android App?
The content includes a video tutorial showcasing how to read the Cache of an Android app using code. A WebView is added to allow folders and files to be visible in the app’s cache directory, utilizing the Preference API from the AndroidX library. The complete source code for the process is provided for developers, including the XML manifest and a list of necessary dependencies that need to be implemented. Communication channels for viewers to provide feedback, ask questions, or share their appreciation for the informative video have also been cited.
How to open Device Explorer of Emulator (AVD) in new UI of Android Studio HedgeHog | 2023.1.1?
This video shows the steps to open the device explorer window in the new UI of Android Studio HedgeHog (2023.1.1). The device explorer window can be used to access and even place the files in the device’s folders, such as in download folder. I hope you like this video. For…
How to save image matrix to a JPG file using IMWRITE from MATLAB App Designer?
The content presents a MATLAB App developed in App Designer used to save an image matrix into a JPG file. This task is achieved using the IMWRITE command. The app is structured with a class called “ImageSaveToFile”, which has several properties and methods related to the app’s UI components and functions. One key function is “SaveButtonPushed”, activated when the save button is pushed, reading the image, reducing its intensity by half, and saving it to a file. The creator also provided a contact email and website for further subscriber interactions.
How to obfuscate the source code while building APK of your Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps in this session:1. Create a simple App2. Build normal APK (non-obfuscated)3. Build Obfuscated APK In this video it shows the source code in the APK file for 3 types of APKs built:1. Debug variant2. Release non-obfuscated variant3. Release obfuscated In this video it refers to the below pages:– Android…
How to get source code from APK file of an Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps:1. Convert APK to JAR2. Convert JAR to source code I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Details: Source code: Screenshots: Links of Tools: used in this demo: Dex2Jar: JD-GUI/ Java decompiler:
How to create Excel file from ListView data and save it in Download directory from your Android app?
This video shows the steps to create an excel file from the ListView data. In this demo it first creates the ListView with some sample string data. Then in the button onClick method, it reads the listView data one by one iteratively and populate the respective cells of an excel…
How to download an image file from AWS S3 using signed URL in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps for downloading an image file from AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) in your Android App. It uses the signed URL of the file which is valid for a limited period (max 12 hours). In this demo the signed URL…
How to import image as asset and show it in ImageView (as static image) in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to import an image as an asset in Android Studio environment and then display it on an image view in your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at:…
How to create and save an image file in Download folder from your Android App? – Android 13 | API 33
In this video it shows the steps to create and save an image file in the download folder from your Android App. The App is developed in Android Studio for Android 13 – API 33 version. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…