Set Build Variant:1. Debug2. Release I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Details: Screenshots: Build APK files at:
Tag: release
How to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App in Android Studio?
This video shows the steps to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App. These parameters can be set in Gradle file (App level) of the project in Android Studio. If anything is changed in the Gradle file, then it should be synced again in the…
How to detect rising edge in signal in your Simulink model in MATLAB R2023a?
This video shows steps to detect the rising edge part in your signal. So, whenever the direction of your signal goes towards a rise, the logic will detect it and generate a pulse signal for those points. It simply uses a combination of delay block and difference (minus) block to…
How to host your Android App on Google Play Store? – Step by step guide with Calculator App example
This video shows step by step process to build a very simple calculator App in Android Studio and then upload it (host it) on the Google Play Store. While entering the details of the App on the google play store, it uses very simple, easy and short descriptions and images….