This video shows the steps to get latitude and longitude coordinates from the text address. It uses Geocoder APIs to get the address list. In this video it just fetches the 1st most probable address matching the text string. However, for more advanced location search one can filter the addresses…
Tag: search
How to get the list of Apps installed on the phone from your Android App? – complete source code
This video shows a simple method to get the list of all the Apps installed on your phone. It uses the Package Manager to get the list of all the packages installed and then extracts the package name from it. It uses list view to display the package names (installed…
How to check palindrome word in your Android App? – complete source code
This short video shows the steps to implement Palindrome logic (algorithm) in the Java code of your Android App. In this tutorial it designs a very simple layout. It takes the input from the user through the Edit Text. It triggers the method to check the palindrome through a button…
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