The provided video demonstrates how to create an in-app screen mirroring/casting option for Android apps. It includes the code for initiating the mirroring feature and provides details on the complete source code and steps. For inquiries, suggestions, or appreciation, the creators can be contacted via the website and email provided. The code snippet includes the package and an example class for implementing the screen mirroring functionality in an Android app. The XML layout file consists of a sample text and a button to initiate the screen mirroring.
Tag: show
How to generate PWM signal in MATLAB App Designer?
The provided content is about a video that demonstrates how to generate and plot a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal in MATLAB App Designer’s UI Axes. The source code for the task is shared. It involves creating a class called PWMSignalApp with app components like UIAxes and PWMButton. After creating UIFigure and components, a function named PWMButtonPushed is declared. This function generates a sine wave and a PWM signal corresponding to it, plotting both signals on different UI Axes. The user is encouraged to direct any questions, suggestions, or appreciations to the provided contact email address.
How to programmatically resize ImageView (setLayoutParams) to match parent in layout of Android App?
The content presents a tutorial on how to modify the size of an ImageView by setting its layout parameters to match the parent. This method toggles the size between the match_parent and the initial size set by the user. The lesson uses Constraint Layout as an example but can be applied to other layouts like Frame Layout, Relative Layout, etc. The provided source code is written in the Java programming language and is used in context with Android’s AppCompatActivity. The code demonstration is accessible via a video link, with additional support available through a contact link and email.
How to access the HDMI Passthrough input in TvView of your Android TV App?
In this video it shows the steps to access the HDMI Passthrough input in your Android TV App. It shows the inputs whatever is passed through the HDMI cable in the TvView widget of your TV App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please…
How to live stream video from camera using the new createCaptureSession API in your Android App? – API 34
In this video it shows the steps to create live streaming video from the phone’s camera on the Texture View widget of your Android App. It uses the new CameraDevice.createCaptureSession(sessionConfiguration) API. The previous versions of this API are deprecated from API version 30 onwards. I hope you like this video….
How to easily set an image in full screen mode in your Android TV App?
This video provides the steps to show an image in full screen model for your Android TV App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Screenshots:
How to view and download an image file from a URL using DownloadManager in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can use download manager to download an image file (or any other file type) from internet using the URL. It also shows how to use input stream from the URL to create the respective Bitmap from the image and then display it on…
How to auto fit (auto scale or Zoom) an image in webView of your Android App? – Android Studio code
This video shows the steps to auto fit/ auto scale an image file in the WebView widget of your Android App. It uses below attributes in the settings of the WebView object to enable the auto-scaling:webView.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true);webView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(true); For testing purpose, it uses below image from the testing page of programmer world…
How to generate PDF report using PUBLISH command in MATLAB?
In this video it shows the use of PUBLISH command to generate a PDF report for your MATLAB code. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Sample MATLAB Script for…
How to download an image file from internet and display in UIAxes using MATLAB script in App Designer?
In this video it shows the steps to download an image file from the internet (https URL) and save it in the local PNG file. In this video it uses sample images from the below webpage: And below are the respective images’ URLs: It uses WEBREAD command to read the…