In this webpage you can have information about the development of various Simulink Application.
This webpage is a resourceful compendium on the development and application of Simulink, a MATLAB-based graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating, and analyzing multi-domain systems. The discussed topics range from basic model testing, designing different damping systems, counters, and filters to exporting scope data and implementing more complex differential equations. It offers guides on creating your own toolbox in MATLAB, conducting traceability between Simulink and other software, and constructing a simple High Pass RC filter. The site further explains the process of creating a subsystem block, designing variant subsystems, and parsing pulse into square waves, among others.
Design Spring Mass Damping System in Simulink
Design two Mass Damper Spring System in Simulink
Basic model testing using Signal Builder block in Simulink
Design a simple counter and reset counter in Simulink
Design simple Low Pass RC Filter using Simulink
Draw Concentric Circles Plot in Simulink Scope
How to design Differential Equation (2nd Order) in Simulink – MATLAB?
How to export Simulink scope data to Excel sheet file using writetable command in MATLAB?
How to design an increasing and decreasing toggle counter in Simulink – MATLAB R2019a?
How to design a Pulse width modulation PWM signal using a clock timer block in Simulink?
Model Referencing in Simulink – MATLAB R2018b
How to design a simple Simulink Model to compute the Factorial of a number?
All about Buses – Bus Creator, Bus Selector and Bus Assignment block in Simulink.
How to design variable step increasing and decreasing counter in Simulink?
Your Own Toolbox in Matlab – learn how to design, install and use a Custom Toolbox in MATLAB?
How to Design a Variant Subsystem in Simulink – explained using a simple example.
Spring Mass Damping System with added noise disturbance in Simulink – Part 2
Trace-ability between Simulink Model and Excel, Word or DOORs using SL Requirement (VnV) toolbox
Model Callback and Block callback Functions Simulink – MATLAB R2018a
Design a simple High Pass RC Filter using basic blocks of Simulink in MATLAB
PID Controller (Proportional Integral Derivative) and plant model (Spring Mass Damper) in Simulink.
Simulink Width Block – find the number of signals in a bus or elements in a vector signal.
How to implement Mask and define parameters on a subsystem Block in Simulink – MATLAB?
How to convert a pulse wave into square wave in Simulink and detect the edge of the pulse signal?
How to create a subsystem and library block from any model in Simulink?
How to design a Decreasing Counter and reset counter in Simulink?
Create a Square Wave Generator using Level-2 S-Function and MATLAB Function block in Simulink.
Dependency Analysis and Reference Project in Simulink Project explained – SL Project Tutorial 2
Simulink Project Tutorial 1: How to set it using GIT or SVN in MATLAB?