– Signup/ Login to your Google AdMob (using your gmail ID):
– Check all the details and then after accepting Terms and Condition, create the account:
– Select the below options as per your preferences and click Continue:
– In the Home page, click “Get Started”
– Give the details in the below. If the App is not published in App Store the choose “No” in the below:
- Search and select the App published in the App Store:
– Once the App is selected and all the details are provided then click on “Add App”
– Goto Apps list and select the App you added. And then select the “Add Ad unit” from below page:
- Adding Banner Ad Type
– Select “Banner” Ad format from the below.
– Give details in below page. Enter any name for your reference:
– Click “Create Ad unit” in below page:
– In the next page App ID and Ad unit ID will be displayed which should be used in the Android’s App code to insert the google Ads banner:
– Ad unit ID can also be copied later using the copy button from the Ad units option in the below:
- Adding Interstitial Ad Format
– Select “Interstitial” Ad format
– Enter the details. Name can be anything. It is just for reference.
Keep Frequency capping disabled if unlimited number of Ads can be shown to the users.
– Click Create ad unit in above and the Ad unit will be created with details of app ID and Ad unit ID displayed in the final page as below.