In this video will see how to overcome the problem of version mismatch between browser driver(e.g chromedriver,firefoxdriver etc) and browsers(e.g chrome,firefox etc.). This we will solve it by using WebDriverManager Class in our maven project. If you are not using maven project you can add the jar file of WebDriverManager …
Tag: firefox
How to upload a file in selenium webdriver for windows upload popup(popup cannot be inspected) using AutoIt(Third party tool)?
In this video will see how to upload any file in selenium webdriver for windows upload popup using AutoIt(Third party tool). Windows upload popup refers to upload popup which is windows one not application one and cannot be inspectable. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or…
How to Hover on any element/link/image using selenium webdriver
In this video will see how to Hover on any element/link/image using selenium webdriver. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Code and details:
Chrome version above 114 or “Chrome For Testing Browser”: How to resolve “Response code 500 SessionNotCreatedException – Could not start a new session” selenium webdriver?
In this video will see how to run selenium web driver program on“Chrome for Testing (specially designed for automation)” browser or chrome browser which is having version more than 114. Video 1: How to resolve “Response code 500” error in selenium webdriver- Could not create a session error? Video 2:…
How to resolve “org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.ConnectionFailedException: Unable to establish websocket connection to http://localhost”?
In this video we will see how to fix/resolver selenium error “Exception in thread “main” org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.ConnectionFailedException: Unable to establish websocket connection to http://localhost:64162/devtools/browser……”. Code:
Selenium: Looping concept, how to implement loop in selenium script?
In this video we will see how to apply loops in order to maintain the code quality. When same action is expected to perform again and again instead of writing same code multiple times better to use loop. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation…
Resolve [UnexpectedTagNameException: Element should have been “select” but was “div”] in Selenium?
In this video will see how to resolve selenium error – Exception in thread “main” org.openqa.selenium. UnexpectedTagNameException: Element should have been “select” but was “div”. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Code: Error screenshot:
How to handle browser navigations (Forward/Backward Buttons, close the browser) in Selenium?
In this video will see how to handle different browser window navigations such as how to click on browser backward button, browser forward button, how to maximize/minimize the browser window, How to open the URL, how to navigate to some other url etc. I hope you like this video. For…
How to run Selenium code on Edge Browser (from downloading to invoking the browser)?
In this video will see how to run selenium code on edge browser. Step to Step, right from downloading the edge browser to running the code on edge browser. Just two lines change. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at:…
How to take CSS Selector/Xpath using regular expression in Selenium?
In this video will see how to take CSS Selector/Xpath using regular expression in Selenium. We need to take regular expression when attribute values are so long or partially change every time. In that case we need to do unique partial match for values with the help of regular expressions….