In this video will see how to count any specific type of webElements (e.g no. of hyperlinks, input boxes, images etc). In other words we can get how many times any webelement occurred on any given point of time. We will also see how to print the text of webelements….
Tag: input
How to check whether the HDMI input state is connected in your Android TV App?
The content features a tutorial video that explains how to check if an HDMI input has a source connected by using code in a custom Android TV app. The detailed guide goes over the source code, which involves the use of specific code libraries and syntax in the Android system. When executed, this code tells the app to show if the HDMI input is connected or not. The author provides additional resources and a contact for questions. The code can be beneficial for developers who need to monitor HDMI input states in Android TV applications.
How to access the HDMI Passthrough input in TvView of your Android TV App?
In this video it shows the steps to access the HDMI Passthrough input in your Android TV App. It shows the inputs whatever is passed through the HDMI cable in the TvView widget of your TV App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please…
How to get the list of input IDs (of available channels) in your Android TV App? – Complete source code
The video demonstrates how to retrieve a list of input IDs from the channels on your Android TV using the TvInputInfo object from the TvInputManager class. In addition, the TvInputInfo object can retrieve package and service info. The source code for accomplishing all these is shared, showing how to import the necessary classes and specify a MainActivity. The video also highlights that the Input IDs vary based on the TV brand and model number. Any inquiries, suggestions, or appreciation can be addressed via the posted contact details.
How to access HDMI input in your Android TV App?
In this video it shows the steps to access the HDMI input in your Android App. It uses VideoView to show the content of the input channel by converting it to the respective uri. For the complete list of input types, such as TYPE_DVI, TYPE_HDMI, or TYPE_VGA, please refer to:…
How to load a file from external storage to InputStream in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to fetch a file from download folder and convert it into an InputStream in your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details:
How to make your own custom keyboard (OS system level) for all the Apps of your Android device?
In this video it shows steps to create your own custom keyboard for Android device. The keyboard shown in this demo is system level keyboard and will work across any App of your Android device. It makes an entry at the system level and can be configured to be used…
How to make your own custom keyboard (in-app keyboard) for your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to create your own custom keyboard for your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Screenshots:
How to set EditText for always Capital letter (upper case) input in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to have the inputs in edit text displayed always in capital letter (upper case) in your Android App. Irrespective of the case of the letters entered (lower or upper case), the input letters will always appear in capital letter in the EditText widget in your…
How to create stored procedure in MS SQL database server and run (call) it from your Android App?
This video shows the complete end to end steps to create a simple stored procedure in MS SQL server and call the same from the Android App. In the first part of the video it shows how to create a simple stored procedure using MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)….