In this video will see how to overcome the problem of version mismatch between browser driver(e.g chromedriver,firefoxdriver etc) and browsers(e.g chrome,firefox etc.). This we will solve it by using WebDriverManager Class in our maven project. If you are not using maven project you can add the jar file of WebDriverManager …
Tag: Microsoft
How to create Excel file from ListView data and save it in Download directory from your Android app?
This video shows the steps to create an excel file from the ListView data. In this demo it first creates the ListView with some sample string data. Then in the button onClick method, it reads the listView data one by one iteratively and populate the respective cells of an excel…
How to insert / put image in an excel file from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to insert images in your excel file. It uses apache implementation and uses HSSFSheet to insert the image at a particular position (anchor) in the sheet. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to store image in MS SQL Server database and retrieve it from your Android App?
This page shows steps to create an Android App which connects to MS SQL Server Database. It uses the MSSQL database to store the images in bytes array format. The respective data type in database server is VARBINARY(MAX). It uses a couple of images saved in the emulator phone to…
How to create Microsoft Word Document (.docx) File from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to develop a method to create the Word Document File in your Android App. This uses the apache poi library for the same. It takes the content of the file as an input from the user from the EditText (Plain text) widget. It then creates…
How to create an Excel file from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to create an Excel file in your Android App. It uses third party library (not available as in-built APIs) from org.apache.poi. It hard-codes the file name and sheet name in the code. However, that can be taken as an input from the user. For the…
How to build a simple calculator App for iOS in Xcode (swift)?
In this video it shows the steps to create a very simple calculator App for iOS. It uses xcode to develop the App. It uses swift language to create the App in very simple steps. To create the calculator application, it creates a very simple layout using button from 0…
How to create stored procedure in MS SQL database server and run (call) it from your Android App?
This video shows the complete end to end steps to create a simple stored procedure in MS SQL server and call the same from the Android App. In the first part of the video it shows how to create a simple stored procedure using MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)….