In this video it shows how one can make his/ her paint or drawing android app. In this it creates a free hand drawing/ sketching App. It uses onTouchEvent to get the X and Y points of user’s touch movement on the screen. Then it draws those lines on the…
Tag: paint
How to draw the content of a canvas on SurfaceView and ImageView in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can draw certain objects on a canvas and then print it on a surface view or image view so that it is visible in the layout of the App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to select colors with the Palette API in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to implement the palette library (provided by Android) in your gradle file (App level gradle file). It further shows how one can easily use this API in the Java code to get certain colors from the Image considered in this video for demonstration. This video…