The content provides a tutorial video link and MATLAB code for combining two images either horizontally or vertically using App Designer. The source code defines a class ‘MergeImage’ with properties for the images and a ‘Merge’ button. The function ‘MergeButtonPushed’ reads the source of two images, merges them, and assigns the result to a third image component. Another function ‘createComponents’ constructs the UI Figure and its components (the three image components and the merge button). The code covers not only the creation of the app but also how to delete UI Figure when the app is deleted.
Tag: pixels
How to save bitmap to an image file in Download folder from your Android App? Android 14 | API level 34
In this video it shows the steps to save a bitmap to image file in download folder from your Android App programmatically. It demonstrates this for Android 14 | API level 34. In this video it refers to the code from my below pages of posted earlier: I hope you…
How to fix the error “only mutable bitmaps may be reconfigured” – convert immutable bitmap to a mutable bitmap in Android App?
This video shows the steps to convert an immutable bitmap image to mutable bitmap image in Android App code. It uses below 2 approaches to do the conversion:– Bitmap.createScaledBitmap API– bitmap.copy API I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or…