The provided content is about a video that demonstrates how to generate and plot a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal in MATLAB App Designer’s UI Axes. The source code for the task is shared. It involves creating a class called PWMSignalApp with app components like UIAxes and PWMButton. After creating UIFigure and components, a function named PWMButtonPushed is declared. This function generates a sine wave and a PWM signal corresponding to it, plotting both signals on different UI Axes. The user is encouraged to direct any questions, suggestions, or appreciations to the provided contact email address.
Tag: plot
How to detect rising edge in signal in your Simulink model in MATLAB R2023a?
This video shows steps to detect the rising edge part in your signal. So, whenever the direction of your signal goes towards a rise, the logic will detect it and generate a pulse signal for those points. It simply uses a combination of delay block and difference (minus) block to…
How to download an image file from internet and display in UIAxes using MATLAB script in App Designer?
In this video it shows the steps to download an image file from the internet (https URL) and save it in the local PNG file. In this video it uses sample images from the below webpage: And below are the respective images’ URLs: It uses WEBREAD command to read the…
How to plot discrete time signals using STEM in MATLAB and Simulink?
This video shows the steps to implement a 3 harmonics periodic Analog signal. It further shows how one can plot the discrete time signal for the equation in both MATLAB and Simulink. It writes a simple MATLAB script and uses STEM function to plot the discrete time signal. It also…
How to plot arrays (X and Y coordinates) on axes in your Android App without using dependencies or libraries?
In this video it shows how to plot any graph with x and y coordinates in a view in your Android App. It uses Surface view and Image view to plot the coordinates on the plane, 2-dimensional plane. It takes a simple array of 5 numbers or points as x…
How to draw the content of a canvas on SurfaceView and ImageView in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can draw certain objects on a canvas and then print it on a surface view or image view so that it is visible in the layout of the App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…