In this video we will see how to fix below error: Above error we find mostly when we deal with Ashot() library for capturing the specific element screenshot. For Related videos or complete code please check below links. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or…
Tag: png
How to compare two images/screenshot in Selenium?
In this video I have shown how to compare two screenshots(expected vs actual images) in selenium using Ashot() api.
How to take screenshot of particular element only in Selenium?
In this video I have shown how to take screenshot of specific element only. It will not capture complete webpage instead it will only take particular element image. This is very useful in validations. If element is not visible on screen at the very first load it will scroll down…
Selenium – How to take screenshot of complete web page even if full page is not visible on screen?
In this video I have shown how to take complete web page screenshot in selenium webdriver using Ashot API. Once application is loaded it is taking screenshot of complete web page by scrolling down the page till end. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation…
How to take multiple screenshots in selenium webdriver?
In this video will see how to take/capture multiple screenshot or taking screenshots multiple times in a web application. Video link for How to take a screenshot in selenium web driver: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to take a screenshot in selenium webdriver?
In this video will see how to take/capture screenshot for any web page for selenium webdriver. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Details: Excerpt: In this video, you will learn how to capture a screenshot…
How to Display a Bitmap Image in a WebView in Android App?
The given post features a tutorial video and the complete source code for a procedure to display an image from Android’s local storage into a WebView. The image is retrieved from the download folder, converted into a Bitmap, and loaded into the WebView using the loadDataWithBaseURL API. It shares code for permissions, accessing storage, loading the image into an ImageView, and then converting it into a string using Base64 to load it onto a WebView. The detailed process further includes relevant Android XML design and manifest files. Links are provided for further assistance or queries.
How to save image matrix to a JPG file using IMWRITE from MATLAB App Designer?
The content presents a MATLAB App developed in App Designer used to save an image matrix into a JPG file. This task is achieved using the IMWRITE command. The app is structured with a class called “ImageSaveToFile”, which has several properties and methods related to the app’s UI components and functions. One key function is “SaveButtonPushed”, activated when the save button is pushed, reading the image, reducing its intensity by half, and saving it to a file. The creator also provided a contact email and website for further subscriber interactions.
How to view and download an image file from a URL using DownloadManager in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can use download manager to download an image file (or any other file type) from internet using the URL. It also shows how to use input stream from the URL to create the respective Bitmap from the image and then display it on…
How to auto fit (auto scale or Zoom) an image in webView of your Android App? – Android Studio code
This video shows the steps to auto fit/ auto scale an image file in the WebView widget of your Android App. It uses below attributes in the settings of the WebView object to enable the auto-scaling:webView.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true);webView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(true); For testing purpose, it uses below image from the testing page of programmer world…