- Always keep an eye on SMSes from banks or different financial firms.
- Try to avoid contactless cards (which works with just a touch), always use chip based card which need pin/otp/password number to allow the transaction.
- Always use card on trustworthy place/website. Do not use public internet to do critical browsing like accessing bank accounts.
- Use only trusted and popular browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Unknown or unpopular browser should be avoided. Always keep your browser updated to the latest version released. This will ensure all the latest security features are enabled on your browser.
- Never click on links (Example: links which claims you have won 20 million $), fill the form for details or click on the link to apply for job.
For links given in emails please check email extension carefully. Example: XXXX@MyBank.COM or XXXXX@JobPortal.COM.
Never entertain any emails which comes from MyBank@gmail.com or JobPortal@MAIL.COM - Try not to save your credit or debit card details while placing the order or purchasing anything online. It may be a tedious job to enter card details every time but it will prevent unauthorized transactions incase of mobile phone is misplaced or someone else accesses your laptop/ computer.
- Don’t save credit card details (like card number, expiry date) and pin (password) both in the same place.
- Don’t set the same password for all the cards.
- Last but not the least, never share your OTP (One-time password) with anyone. Not even with the authorized person of bank.