This video shows the steps to write your own notification in your Android App. In this video it uses a button to trigger the notification but in actual or commercial App various events can be used to trigger the notification. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
Tag: apps
How to get the list of Apps installed on the phone from your Android App? – complete source code
This video shows a simple method to get the list of all the Apps installed on your phone. It uses the Package Manager to get the list of all the packages installed and then extracts the package name from it. It uses list view to display the package names (installed…
How to store images in SQLite database (insert, update, delete and fetch) in your Android App?
This video shows simple steps to store the image files in your local SQLite database. For storing the Images in the database, unlike simple text or numbers, it uses BLOB field. It first converts the image file (or image) into bitmap. Then it converts the bitmap into bytes by compressing…
How to implement Biometric authentication in your Android App? – complete source code
This video shows the steps to implement the Biometric authentication in your Android App. It uses the androidx.biometric implementation in the App’s gradle file for the same. For Biometric authentication, it uses AuthenticationCallback from BiomentricPrompt class from the implemented Biometric libraries in the App’s code. To interpret the results, it…
How to create a simple text file in your iOS App? – Xcode tutorial using swift language
This Video shows simple steps to create a text file from your iOS App. It shows the simple swift code which is written to do create the file in the document directory of the iPhone. It uses Xcode environment to develop and simulate the App in the in-built simulator. It…
How to create an Excel file from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to create an Excel file in your Android App. It uses third party library (not available as in-built APIs) from org.apache.poi. It hard-codes the file name and sheet name in the code. However, that can be taken as an input from the user. For the…
How to build a simple calculator App for iOS in Xcode (swift)?
In this video it shows the steps to create a very simple calculator App for iOS. It uses xcode to develop the App. It uses swift language to create the App in very simple steps. To create the calculator application, it creates a very simple layout using button from 0…
How to edit UITextView by enabling AllowsEditingTextAttributes (create a Text Editor) in your iOS App to make selected text bold, italics, underline? – Xcode
In this video it shows simple steps to enable to enable or activate the allowsEditingTextAttributes in the uiTextView. This concept can be used to make the text editing possible in your iOS App. It uses a button to explicitly enable this option in the uiTextView’s attribute. This attribute (allowsEditingTextAttributes )…
How to get current location of the phone in your iOS App? – Xcode tutorial
This video shows the steps to create your iOS App which can access the current location of your phone. The location coordinates is fetched in locationManager using CLLocation services of the phone. The location coordinates once received is updated in the Map and also updated in the Labels widgets in…