In this video will see how to overcome the problem of version mismatch between browser driver(e.g chromedriver,firefoxdriver etc) and browsers(e.g chrome,firefox etc.). This we will solve it by using WebDriverManager Class in our maven project. If you are not using maven project you can add the jar file of WebDriverManager …
Tag: configure
How to resolve error (red color marked on project name) in eclipse for any project (selenium or java)?
In this video will see how to resolve red color marked error on any project written in eclipse it can be selenium (webdriver,testNG,maven) or java. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Screenshot: Excerpt: In the…
How to add external jar file in selenium project/How to configure or import jar file for eclipse project?
In this video will see how to add/configure/import external jar files in selenium webdriver or any java eclipse project. Steps: Right click on project->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Libraries->Select ClassPath->Add External JARS->Select Jars to be uploaded->Click Open->Click Apply And Close. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation…
How to connect to Oracle database and run SQL queries from matlab command line and database explorer App?
In this video it shows the steps to configure the Oracle database in the matlab environment using the database explorer. The it shows how one run a query on the connected database through the database explorer or Matlab commands/ script. In this video it initially shows the result of connecting…