This video shows how to design a Simulink model to convert a Square waveform to a Pulse Waveform/ signal. It uses all basic blocks such as delay block and switch block to implement the logic. It uses Scope to visualize the output. I hope you like this video. For any…
Tag: delay
How to delay (wait for) the execution of methods by certain duration/ time in your Android App?
In this short video it shows how one can delay the execution of certain methods in your Android App. It creates a new runnable and calls the runnable after the specified delay using the handler object. Executing the method in another runnable ensure that the main thread is not impacted…
How to fix “ElementNotInteractableException” error in Selenium webdriver?
In this video will see how to fix “ElementNotInteractable” exception/error.To implement wait()/delay()/Implicitlywait()/sleep()/Thread.sleep()in selenium webdriver, please go through below link: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Error:
How to fix Webdriver wait or implicitly wait deprecated message error in Selenium webdriver?
In this video we have shown how to fix below error related to implicitly wait and explicitly wait: “Timeouts org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Timeouts.implicitlyWait(long time, TimeUnit unit), @Deprecated Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.” Or “The constructor WebDriverWait(WebDriver, long) is deprecated 3 quick…