The content includes a video tutorial showcasing how to read the Cache of an Android app using code. A WebView is added to allow folders and files to be visible in the app’s cache directory, utilizing the Preference API from the AndroidX library. The complete source code for the process is provided for developers, including the XML manifest and a list of necessary dependencies that need to be implemented. Communication channels for viewers to provide feedback, ask questions, or share their appreciation for the informative video have also been cited.
Tag: file system
How to put a file in the download folder of Android studio emulator – AVD?
AVD = Android Virtual Device This video shows the steps to put any file in the download folder of your Emulator/ Android Virtual device running in Android Studio. This same concept can be user to put the file in any other folder or read files from any other folder. I…
How to create and delete a file programmatically from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to create and delete a file in your phone’s file system from your Android App. It uses a sample file ABC.pdf for this demo. In this App 2 buttons are created, one for creating the file and another for deleting the file. It uses…