This video shows the steps to capture the video from your phone’s camera and then save the video in the download folder of your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code…
Tag: file
How to upload a file in OpenAI(ChatGPT) for Fine Tuning?
Steps to upload the file is provided in the below URL: The sample curl command provided in this page is: One will have to update this curl command with one’s details. Below is my example: Then run it in Windows command prompt as below: =========== To get the files…
How to load a file from external storage to InputStream in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to fetch a file from download folder and convert it into an InputStream in your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details:
How to put a file in the download folder of Android studio emulator – AVD?
AVD = Android Virtual Device This video shows the steps to put any file in the download folder of your Emulator/ Android Virtual device running in Android Studio. This same concept can be user to put the file in any other folder or read files from any other folder. I…
How to save bitmap to an image file in Download folder from your Android App? Android 14 | API level 34
In this video it shows the steps to save a bitmap to image file in download folder from your Android App programmatically. It demonstrates this for Android 14 | API level 34. In this video it refers to the code from my below pages of posted earlier: I hope you…
How to obfuscate the source code while building APK of your Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps in this session:1. Create a simple App2. Build normal APK (non-obfuscated)3. Build Obfuscated APK In this video it shows the source code in the APK file for 3 types of APKs built:1. Debug variant2. Release non-obfuscated variant3. Release obfuscated In this video it refers to the below pages:– Android…
How to get source code from APK file of an Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps:1. Convert APK to JAR2. Convert JAR to source code I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Details: Source code: Screenshots: Links of Tools: used in this demo: Dex2Jar: JD-GUI/ Java decompiler:
How to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App in Android Studio?
This video shows the steps to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App. These parameters can be set in Gradle file (App level) of the project in Android Studio. If anything is changed in the Gradle file, then it should be synced again in the…
How to create Excel file from ListView data and save it in Download directory from your Android app?
This video shows the steps to create an excel file from the ListView data. In this demo it first creates the ListView with some sample string data. Then in the button onClick method, it reads the listView data one by one iteratively and populate the respective cells of an excel…
How to download an image file from AWS S3 using signed URL in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps for downloading an image file from AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) in your Android App. It uses the signed URL of the file which is valid for a limited period (max 12 hours). In this demo the signed URL…