In this video it shows the steps to create your own custom keyboard for your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Screenshots:
Tag: insert
How to disable keyboard pop-up (Soft Input Method) on clicking the Edit Text in your Android App?
In this video it shows the code to hide the soft input method (key-board defined in Android OS) when any of the input widget, such as Edit Text (Plain Text) is clicked in the Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to connect to the Oracle database using JDBC driver from your Android App? – Android Studio Example
In this page it shows the steps to develop the Android App code to connect to the Oracle database. It briefly shows the steps to install and setup the Oracle database on your machine initially. Then it takes through the steps of how to include the jdbc JAR file in…
How to insert / put image in an excel file from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to insert images in your excel file. It uses apache implementation and uses HSSFSheet to insert the image at a particular position (anchor) in the sheet. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to store image in MS SQL Server database and retrieve it from your Android App?
This page shows steps to create an Android App which connects to MS SQL Server Database. It uses the MSSQL database to store the images in bytes array format. The respective data type in database server is VARBINARY(MAX). It uses a couple of images saved in the emulator phone to…
How to store images in SQLite database (insert, update, delete and fetch) in your Android App?
This video shows simple steps to store the image files in your local SQLite database. For storing the Images in the database, unlike simple text or numbers, it uses BLOB field. It first converts the image file (or image) into bitmap. Then it converts the bitmap into bytes by compressing…