In this video it shows the code to delete a file over FTP server from your Android App’s Java code. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: GitHub: Dependency:…
Tag: internet
How to upload a file to FTP server from your Android App Java code?
In this tutorial, it shows the steps to develop your Android app to upload an image file to the FTP server using FTP Client commands. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and…
How to read the content of a HTTPs website in your Android App?
The provided content pertains to a video tutorial explaining how to read a HTTP or HTTPS website’s content (HTML/JSON) on an Android application. The tutorial involves demonstrating how to view the contents of Google’s homepage and within an Android app environment. The post includes the complete source code for the application with various callbacks, interfaces, and classes such as HttpURLConnection, URL, InputStream etc. It also provides screenshots and the output for readability. Furthermore, it encourages viewers to contact them for any queries, suggestions or appreciation.
How to fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException Error by creating new Thread in your Android Studio Code?
In this video it shows the fix for android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException error. It creates a new thread in the Android code to fix this error. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details:…
How to view and download an image file from a URL using DownloadManager in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can use download manager to download an image file (or any other file type) from internet using the URL. It also shows how to use input stream from the URL to create the respective Bitmap from the image and then display it on…
How to fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException by defining StrictMode.ThreadPolicy in your Android Studio code?
This video shows the steps to quickly fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException in your Android Studio Java code. The fix shown is more of a workaround. Ideal fix would be to run all the network related tasks in a separate thread using async methods. However, in this video it shows how one can…
How to auto fit (auto scale or Zoom) an image in webView of your Android App? – Android Studio code
This video shows the steps to auto fit/ auto scale an image file in the WebView widget of your Android App. It uses below attributes in the settings of the WebView object to enable the auto-scaling:webView.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true);webView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(true); For testing purpose, it uses below image from the testing page of programmer world…
How to download an image file from internet and display in UIAxes using MATLAB script in App Designer?
In this video it shows the steps to download an image file from the internet (https URL) and save it in the local PNG file. In this video it uses sample images from the below webpage: And below are the respective images’ URLs: It uses WEBREAD command to read the…
Android Studio – Fix the WebView error “The webpage could not be loaded because: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS”
This video shows how to fix the error “The webpage could not be loaded because: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS” in WebView. It shows how simply adding the below INTERNET permission in the manifest file solves the issue: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at:…
How to get SSID of the Wifi using WifiManager.getConnectionInfo API in your Android App? – For SDK 29 (Android 10)
This video shows the code to get SSID of the wifi in your Android App using the WifiManager.getConnectionInfo API. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code: package com.programmerworld.getssidofwifi;import;import;import android.Manifest;import;import;import…