Always keep an eye on SMSes from banks or different financial firms. Try to avoid contactless cards (which works with just a touch), always use chip based card which need pin/otp/password number to allow the transaction. Always use card on trustworthy place/website. Do not use public internet to do critical…
Tag: internet
How to get current location of the phone in your iOS App? – Xcode tutorial
This video shows the steps to create your iOS App which can access the current location of your phone. The location coordinates is fetched in locationManager using CLLocation services of the phone. The location coordinates once received is updated in the Map and also updated in the Labels widgets in…
How to get the device last location (using GPS/ Network) without using Map Layout in your Android App?
This video shows how to implement the FusedLocationProviderClient from the Google’s play-services-location to get the last location of the device. In this approach it need not to use the google maps layout or use the Google Maps API key required to get the google map information. This approach uses the…
How to implement picture-in-picture mode for your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to implement the picture-in-picture mode for your Android App in very simple steps. It shows that how just updating the Manifest file and implementing a method in Java file is sufficient steps to have the picture-in-picture mode enabled for your Android App. It…
How to check internet connection from your Android App?
In this video is shows the steps to check whether the internet is available or accessible from your phone or not. For check the internet accessibility, in this App it uses the Inet API to fetch the IP address of any website or server. In this video it tries to…