In this video it shows the fix for the error “Value of type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject”. It reproduces this error by trying to convert a JSONArray to JSONObject. And then fixes it by rightly converting it into JSONArray and then using the index to get the right…
Tag: java
Fix “packagingOptions(Packaging.() -> Unit): Unit’ is deprecated. Renamed to packaging” error in Android Studio Gradle file.
In this video it shows the steps to add packagingOptions block in the gradle file in Android Studio. On adding the packagingOptions block it gives the deprecated unit error. This can be fixed by using packaging block instead of packagingOptions block. Also, use resources.excludes.add instead of exclude option. I hope…
How to put a file in the download folder of Android studio emulator – AVD?
AVD = Android Virtual Device This video shows the steps to put any file in the download folder of your Emulator/ Android Virtual device running in Android Studio. This same concept can be user to put the file in any other folder or read files from any other folder. I…
How to run Google’s AI PaLM API with cURL in MATLAB App Designer?
This video shows steps to run Google’s AI tool – PaLM – API in MATLAB App Designer. It uses the cURL command of POST method to get the request. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at:…
How to fix Java error “Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8 contains a valid JDK installation.”?
This video shows the steps to fix the Java Error: “Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8 contains a valid JDK installation.” I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete details/ steps: Error Window:…
How to run Google’s AI PaLM APIs in your Android App using Java dependencies?
This video shows the steps to use PaLM APIs in your Android App’s Java code. It refers to the steps mentioned at I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details:…
How to integrate Google’s generative AI PaLM API with cURL using JSON RestAPI POST in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to integrate Google’s Generative AI’s PaLM API from MakerSuite in your Android App. It uses the cURL command to integrate it. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code…
How to play YouTube videos in background in pip (Picture in picture) mode of your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to build your own Android App in which you can run the YouTube video in background in picture-in-picture (PIP) mode. This will enable the user to do other tasks in the phone while listening to the YouTube video in parallel. In this demo,…
How to record video of your App running in emulator or device from Android Studio?
In this video it shows the steps to record the video of the App screen/ layout running on emulator or any device paired/ connected to Android Studio. It shows 2 options to record the video:1. Recording option from logcat option2. Extended Controls option By default, the videos are recorded in…
How to obfuscate the source code while building APK of your Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps in this session:1. Create a simple App2. Build normal APK (non-obfuscated)3. Build Obfuscated APK In this video it shows the source code in the APK file for 3 types of APKs built:1. Debug variant2. Release non-obfuscated variant3. Release obfuscated In this video it refers to the below pages:– Android…