In this video it shows how to limit the number of decimal points of a float or decimal while printing it on a textView widget of Android App. It basically uses below line of code to limit the decimal places. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
Tag: number
Selenium – how to verify if correct page is loaded or not?
In this video will see how to check if correct page is loaded or not. In order to do that will get the title of the page and perform a check. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to get the count of any webElement on webpage in Selenium?
In this video will see how to count any specific type of webElements (e.g no. of hyperlinks, input boxes, images etc). In other words we can get how many times any webelement occurred on any given point of time. We will also see how to print the text of webelements….
How to change the values of an Matrix (or array) to 1 and 0 for positive and negative values in MATLAB?
The video illustrates how to modify the elements of a matrix to either 1 or 0 using specific code. The method transforms all positive values in the matrix to 1, while all negative or zero values are converted to 0. The operation is demonstrated with an example using pre-defined matrix ‘A.’ The necessary code is run step by step: “A = A.*(A>0)” converts all negative or zero values into zero, and then “A = A./(A + 1.*(A==0))” transforms remaining positive values into 1. For further clarification or questions, viewers are encouraged to contact the programmers through provided contact channels.
How to get current SIM card phone number in your Android App? API 34 | Android 14
The provided content is a tutorial with accompanying source code that shows how to fetch the current SIM card phone number on an Android device via an app. The method involves requesting permissions to access phone numbers, which is implemented in the MainActivity of the android application. The tutorial includes explanations with the source code for requesting necessary permissions and creating interface elements. It also provides a YouTube video link and contact details for programmers seeking additional clarification or have further inquiries.
How to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App in Android Studio?
This video shows the steps to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App. These parameters can be set in Gradle file (App level) of the project in Android Studio. If anything is changed in the Gradle file, then it should be synced again in the…
How to create random PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Signal with fixed duty cycle in Simulink – Matlab R2023a? – using random number generator block
This video shows the steps to generate PWM signal with random trigger input signal in your Simulink Model of Matlab R2023a. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Screenshots:
How to add/ save a new contact in phone directly from your App? – Android Studio code
In this video it shows how to save the contacts directly from your Android App programmatically. It uses ContentProviderOperation to structure the input and then insert it in the phone’s content as a new contact. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us…
How to add a new contact in phone using intent from your Android App?
In this video it shows steps to add new contacts in your phone using the intent type ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE. In this video the major part of the code is taken from the below page of Android developers: However, in this video it shows the above code in action. I hope you…
How to get unique Android ID of your phone/ device in your Android App?
How to uniquely identify (get Android ID) your Android phone from your Android App? In this video it shows the steps to implement the code in which the unique Android ID of the phone or device is fetched. The Android ID is unique to each device and the value is…