The given post features a tutorial video and the complete source code for a procedure to display an image from Android’s local storage into a WebView. The image is retrieved from the download folder, converted into a Bitmap, and loaded into the WebView using the loadDataWithBaseURL API. It shares code for permissions, accessing storage, loading the image into an ImageView, and then converting it into a string using Base64 to load it onto a WebView. The detailed process further includes relevant Android XML design and manifest files. Links are provided for further assistance or queries.
Tag: OS
How to convert TextView to WebView (HTML) using the WebView.loadData in your Android App?
The video demonstrates how to convert a TextView to a WebView using the loadData API in HTML MIME type. This conversion is performed using the Java package com.programmerworld.textviewtowebview by creating a ‘MainActivity’ class with TextView and WebView properties. Then, in a method called ‘buttonGTextViewToWebView’, the TextView is converted into a string and loaded as ‘text/html’ into the WebView. The corresponding XML design layout uses a ConstraintLayout containing a TextView, Button, and WebView. For queries or suggestions, viewers can contact through the given website or email.
How to print the String of TextView using the added printers or PDF printer from your Android App?
The video tutorial demonstrates how to use the Print API for printing content from a TextView widget in an Android application. In the tutorial, the TextView widget content is first converted into WebView format using the LoadData API. Then, the PrintDocumentAdapter, created on WebView, outputs the content via the Print API. The video provides step-by-step coding instructions along with a walkthrough of the Android application’s interface and functionalities. No changes are required in the manifest file for this process. The contact information for further queries or suggestions is also provided.
How to print a WebView using the installed printer (or PDF) from your Android App?
The content provides a video demonstration of the code to print the complete content of a WebView widget utilizing the Print API from the PrintManager class in Android development. The demonstration specifically shows how to print the content of the home page of the ‘’ website. It also provides the complete source code for this operation, including definitions for the MainActivity class, the manifest file, and the XML layout file. For further queries, suggestions, or feedback, it directs users to contact via the website contact form or email.
How to check whether the Developer option (Android Debug Bridge) is enabled in the phone from your Android App? – Android Studio Java code
The content appears to introduce a video tutorial that guides users on utilizing an Android app code. This code checks whether the developer option is activated in an Android device. The tutorial leverages the DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED to perform this check and provides potential viewers with complete source code, down to the very design of the user interface. Furthermore, the resource offers a channel for inquiries, comments, or acknowledgments, giving viewers the alternative to visit ProgrammerWorld’s contact page or to send an email to
How to get the Signal Strength of the phone’s cellular network in your Android App?
The content provides a tutorial on how to check mobile network signal strength using an Android app. It suggests using the telephonyManager.getSignalStrength().getLevel() API. The value returns on a scale of 0-4, providing a gauge of signal quality; 0 signifies very poor signal strength, while 4 indicates very strong signal strength. The remaining part of the content includes a detailed walkthrough of an Android app’s code that utilizes the aforementioned method to display the signal strength. The resource for additional guidance is also supplied via a video link and contact information for further queries or recommendations.
How to programmatically resize ImageView (setLayoutParams) to match parent in layout of Android App?
The content presents a tutorial on how to modify the size of an ImageView by setting its layout parameters to match the parent. This method toggles the size between the match_parent and the initial size set by the user. The lesson uses Constraint Layout as an example but can be applied to other layouts like Frame Layout, Relative Layout, etc. The provided source code is written in the Java programming language and is used in context with Android’s AppCompatActivity. The code demonstration is accessible via a video link, with additional support available through a contact link and email.
How to toggle between design and code view of the layout (XML file) in your Android Studio – Hedgehog | 2023.1.1?
The video highlights the feature of switching between Design, Code, or Split view in Android Studio while creating a layout. It provides guidance on how to examine the corresponding XML code of the layout being designed, offering a helpful solution for those interested in the programming aspect. The creators of the video welcome feedback and inquiries, and have provided contact methods via a website and email. A screenshot of the process is also included.
How to get the list of input IDs (of available channels) in your Android TV App? – Complete source code
The video demonstrates how to retrieve a list of input IDs from the channels on your Android TV using the TvInputInfo object from the TvInputManager class. In addition, the TvInputInfo object can retrieve package and service info. The source code for accomplishing all these is shared, showing how to import the necessary classes and specify a MainActivity. The video also highlights that the Input IDs vary based on the TV brand and model number. Any inquiries, suggestions, or appreciation can be addressed via the posted contact details.
How to connect Android TV to Android Studio environment over WIFI and enable debugging?
In this video it shows the steps to connect Android TV to Android Studio environment over WIFI for debugging the App’s code. Two simple Steps which needs to be followed: Command for connecting: Android Debug Bridge (adb) ‘ADB.exe’ command is in the following path. Either change to the below path…