In this video it shows steps to create your own custom keyboard for Android device. The keyboard shown in this demo is system level keyboard and will work across any App of your Android device. It makes an entry at the system level and can be configured to be used…
Tag: OS
How to get the Text of the Button pressed/ clicked in your Android App?
In this video it shows the code to fetch the text of button which is clicked in your Android App. It shows how one can type cast the View to Button variable type and fetch the respective text from it in your Android App. I hope you like this video….
How to make your own custom keyboard (in-app keyboard) for your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to create your own custom keyboard for your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Screenshots:
How to disable keyboard pop-up (Soft Input Method) on clicking the Edit Text in your Android App?
In this video it shows the code to hide the soft input method (key-board defined in Android OS) when any of the input widget, such as Edit Text (Plain Text) is clicked in the Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to create Excel file from ListView data and save it in Download directory from your Android app?
This video shows the steps to create an excel file from the ListView data. In this demo it first creates the ListView with some sample string data. Then in the button onClick method, it reads the listView data one by one iteratively and populate the respective cells of an excel…
How to download an image file from AWS S3 using signed URL in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps for downloading an image file from AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) in your Android App. It uses the signed URL of the file which is valid for a limited period (max 12 hours). In this demo the signed URL…
How to view and download an image file from a URL using DownloadManager in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can use download manager to download an image file (or any other file type) from internet using the URL. It also shows how to use input stream from the URL to create the respective Bitmap from the image and then display it on…
How to fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException by defining StrictMode.ThreadPolicy in your Android Studio code?
This video shows the steps to quickly fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException in your Android Studio Java code. The fix shown is more of a workaround. Ideal fix would be to run all the network related tasks in a separate thread using async methods. However, in this video it shows how one can…
How to modulate the speech by setting pitch & rate in TextToSpeech using SeekBars in your Android App?
In this video it shows steps to modulate the sound of Text to Speech API by setting the pitch and speech rate using the seek bar in Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at:…
Difference between List vs Set in Java code of your Android App?
As shown in this video, the main difference are: Set: List: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: With Duplicate entry of “Tokyo” Without any duplicate entry: