The video demonstrates how to retrieve a list of input IDs from the channels on your Android TV using the TvInputInfo object from the TvInputManager class. In addition, the TvInputInfo object can retrieve package and service info. The source code for accomplishing all these is shared, showing how to import the necessary classes and specify a MainActivity. The video also highlights that the Input IDs vary based on the TV brand and model number. Any inquiries, suggestions, or appreciation can be addressed via the posted contact details.
Tag: package
Fix “packagingOptions(Packaging.() -> Unit): Unit’ is deprecated. Renamed to packaging” error in Android Studio Gradle file.
In this video it shows the steps to add packagingOptions block in the gradle file in Android Studio. On adding the packagingOptions block it gives the deprecated unit error. This can be fixed by using packaging block instead of packagingOptions block. Also, use resources.excludes.add instead of exclude option. I hope…
How to detect rising edge in signal in your Simulink model in MATLAB R2023a?
This video shows steps to detect the rising edge part in your signal. So, whenever the direction of your signal goes towards a rise, the logic will detect it and generate a pulse signal for those points. It simply uses a combination of delay block and difference (minus) block to…
How to send email using gmail SMTP server directly from your Android App?
In this page, it shows the steps to create method to send email directly from your Android App without using the mail clients (such as gmail client or outlook App). This code uses gmail smtp server to send the email. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
How to get the list of Apps installed on the phone from your Android App? – complete source code
This video shows a simple method to get the list of all the Apps installed on your phone. It uses the Package Manager to get the list of all the packages installed and then extracts the package name from it. It uses list view to display the package names (installed…
How to get the installation date of any App from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to get the installation date of any App installed on your Android Phone. In this video it develops an app and then uses the package manager info to fetch the installation date of the app based on it’s package name. Package Manager Info can…