This video shows how one can use the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission option in the App’s manifest file to enable the “Allow all the time” location service for your App. This privilege is required if your App runs in background and still needs location services for its functionality. Android OS, however, is…
Tag: position
How to Turn ON location services (GPS) without navigating to settings page from your Android App?
In this video it shows how can the user of your App turn ON the location services (GPS) of the phone/ device without navigating to the settings page. It uses google play location services libraries for the same. Following library needs to be implemented in the gradle file for the…
How to enable/ disable the GPS (toggle-ON/ OFF) from Android App by calling intent from AlertDialog?
In this video it shows how one can toggle the GPS settings ON and OFF by calling the respective intent from the Android App. It uses the ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS intent to open the respective settings to be toggled by the user. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
How to detect GPS is ON or OFF (enabled or disabled) from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to check whether the GPS (location service) on the phone/ device is ON or OFF from your Android App. To do this, in the code it uses “isProviderEnabled” API on the location manager to check whether the service is ON. I hope you like…
How to take locators (xpath, etc) in Selenium and check locators in browser before using it in code to minimize the error?
In this video we will show you how to take locators (xpath/CSS Selector/id/name/ link text/class Name/tagName/partial link text) and checking it in browser (debugger tool) to make sure locator is correct and unique. Locators are nothing but exact location of any element on web page. I hope you like this…
How to get current location of the phone in your iOS App? – Xcode tutorial
This video shows the steps to create your iOS App which can access the current location of your phone. The location coordinates is fetched in locationManager using CLLocation services of the phone. The location coordinates once received is updated in the Map and also updated in the Labels widgets in…
How to get the device last location (using GPS/ Network) without using Map Layout in your Android App?
This video shows how to implement the FusedLocationProviderClient from the Google’s play-services-location to get the last location of the device. In this approach it need not to use the google maps layout or use the Google Maps API key required to get the google map information. This approach uses the…