In this video it shows how to limit the number of decimal points of a float or decimal while printing it on a textView widget of Android App. It basically uses below line of code to limit the decimal places. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
Tag: print
Selenium – How to fetch attributes values for any web element/how to find the source of any image?
In this video will see how to get any attributes e.g src(source),text,sizes,class values for any web element. How to take web element xpath: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Code: Excerpt: The provided content…
Selenium – How to perform mouse actions like right click, double click, mousehover etc.?
In this video will see how several mouse actions can be performed through Selenium. These mouse actions methods are defined in Actions() class. By using these class will perform all the mouse actions. How to take web element xpath: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
Selenium – how to verify if correct page is loaded or not?
In this video will see how to check if correct page is loaded or not. In order to do that will get the title of the page and perform a check. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to get the count of any webElement on webpage in Selenium?
In this video will see how to count any specific type of webElements (e.g no. of hyperlinks, input boxes, images etc). In other words we can get how many times any webelement occurred on any given point of time. We will also see how to print the text of webelements….
How to print the String of TextView using the added printers or PDF printer from your Android App?
The video tutorial demonstrates how to use the Print API for printing content from a TextView widget in an Android application. In the tutorial, the TextView widget content is first converted into WebView format using the LoadData API. Then, the PrintDocumentAdapter, created on WebView, outputs the content via the Print API. The video provides step-by-step coding instructions along with a walkthrough of the Android application’s interface and functionalities. No changes are required in the manifest file for this process. The contact information for further queries or suggestions is also provided.
How to print a WebView using the installed printer (or PDF) from your Android App?
The content provides a video demonstration of the code to print the complete content of a WebView widget utilizing the Print API from the PrintManager class in Android development. The demonstration specifically shows how to print the content of the home page of the ‘’ website. It also provides the complete source code for this operation, including definitions for the MainActivity class, the manifest file, and the XML layout file. For further queries, suggestions, or feedback, it directs users to contact via the website contact form or email.
How to create and read a PDF file in your Android 11 App?
This video shows the steps to create and read a PDF file in an Android 11 App. It uses iTextpdf library for reading the PDF file and PdfDocument API from to create the PDF file. It creates and reads from the same PDF file but the concept shown in…