The provided content is an instructional video on saving workspace variables in a .MAT file in MATLAB. The tutorial demonstrates how to load individual variables and handle unidentified functions or variables. Clear, concise steps are provided on how to save and load variables, using examples of ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ variables. It also offers help on addressing unrecognized functions or variables. The author welcomes feedback, questions, and suggestions through a given contact link or email address.
Tag: protect
How to obfuscate the source code while building APK of your Android App? – API 34|Android 14
Steps in this session:1. Create a simple App2. Build normal APK (non-obfuscated)3. Build Obfuscated APK In this video it shows the source code in the APK file for 3 types of APKs built:1. Debug variant2. Release non-obfuscated variant3. Release obfuscated In this video it refers to the below pages:– Android…
5 safety measures while downloading Android apps online
Whenever we require anything to download we go to various known and unknown websites to download various required things like videos, songs, different files like apk files, pdf files it may be anything which is only available online. In this post, we are specifically talking about safety measures while downloading…