This video shows the steps to set Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version of your Android App. These parameters can be set in Gradle file (App level) of the project in Android Studio. If anything is changed in the Gradle file, then it should be synced again in the…
Tag: SDK
How to install flutter (SDK) in your Windows OS and use it in Android Studio IDE?
Flutter is a tools to create and develop Apps for different platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, etc., using the same code base. Flutter supports many IDEs and editors such as Eclipse, Visual Studio, EMACs and Android Studio. In this page we will see how to install flutter (SDK) for…
How to access public files from the external directories, such as download or Image/ Picture folder, in your Android App? – Android 12 | API 31
This video shows the steps to enable your App to access the files outside of your App’s data folder. Using these methods one can access the files available in external public directories which can be easily accessed by all the Apps. In this video it shows two ways to get…