In this video it shows the steps to deploy a flutter web application in a WordPress website. It follows below steps for deployment. Steps: <iframe src=”https://66a3311c2db64730d7810b21–” width=”100%” height=”600px” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> In this video it uses the App developed in the below: I hope you like this video. For any questions,…
Tag: service
How to get current SIM card phone number in your Android App? API 34 | Android 14
The provided content is a tutorial with accompanying source code that shows how to fetch the current SIM card phone number on an Android device via an app. The method involves requesting permissions to access phone numbers, which is implemented in the MainActivity of the android application. The tutorial includes explanations with the source code for requesting necessary permissions and creating interface elements. It also provides a YouTube video link and contact details for programmers seeking additional clarification or have further inquiries.
How to put a file in the download folder of Android studio emulator – AVD?
AVD = Android Virtual Device This video shows the steps to put any file in the download folder of your Emulator/ Android Virtual device running in Android Studio. This same concept can be user to put the file in any other folder or read files from any other folder. I…
How to download an image file from AWS S3 using signed URL in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps for downloading an image file from AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) in your Android App. It uses the signed URL of the file which is valid for a limited period (max 12 hours). In this demo the signed URL…
Solve “enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser” error in WebView of your Android App.
This video shows how one can enable JavaScript in WebView (browser) of your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code: package com.programmerworld.javascriptinwebview;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.webkit.WebView;import android.webkit.WebViewClient;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {…
How to solve Oracle database ERROR: ORA-12541: TNS:no listener?
Executing sqlplus to connect to local database gives below error when the respective service is not running. To solve this issue, follow below steps: 1. Goto Services.msc 2. Start the below services: 3. Then try again the sqlplus command. Enter the user-name and password if prompted.
How to Turn ON location services (GPS) without navigating to settings page from your Android App?
In this video it shows how can the user of your App turn ON the location services (GPS) of the phone/ device without navigating to the settings page. It uses google play location services libraries for the same. Following library needs to be implemented in the gradle file for the…
How to detect GPS is ON or OFF (enabled or disabled) from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to check whether the GPS (location service) on the phone/ device is ON or OFF from your Android App. To do this, in the code it uses “isProviderEnabled” API on the location manager to check whether the service is ON. I hope you like…
How to connect to the Oracle database using JDBC driver from your Android App? – Android Studio Example
In this page it shows the steps to develop the Android App code to connect to the Oracle database. It briefly shows the steps to install and setup the Oracle database on your machine initially. Then it takes through the steps of how to include the jdbc JAR file in…
How to get telecom carrier name of any sim slot in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to get the carrier name of the telephone service provider for any sims. It uses the SubscriptionManager to get the active subscriptions. From the SubscriptionManager object it extracts subscriptionInfos for the interested sim slot. It then uses the getCarrierName method to get the carrier name…