The content appears to introduce a video tutorial that guides users on utilizing an Android app code. This code checks whether the developer option is activated in an Android device. The tutorial leverages the DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED to perform this check and provides potential viewers with complete source code, down to the very design of the user interface. Furthermore, the resource offers a channel for inquiries, comments, or acknowledgments, giving viewers the alternative to visit ProgrammerWorld’s contact page or to send an email to
Tag: settings
How to mirror your Android TV screen in Android Studio?
The provided content consists of a video link that shows how to enable mirroring of a physical device, such as Android TV, in an Android Studio environment. This is useful for developers seeking to debug their code. The viewer is directed to contact the creator for any queries, comments, or praise. The post also provides some sample code for the MainActivity of an app – seemingly relevant to the video content – and concludes with XML code defining the UI layout for this activity. The app seems to be a Screen Mirror Example App.
How to switch between new UI and old UI (classical UI) after updating to version of Android Studio HedgeHog | 2023.1.1?
The video demonstrates how to switch between the old and new user interfaces (UIs) in Android Studio, starting from version Android Studio HedgeHog – 2023.1.1. The new UI option offers a more focused view for developers, enhancing their experience. The option to switch between these interfaces can be found in the settings. Contact information and details about the specs of the version used are also provided, including the use of Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1Build. The video also informs viewers that switching interfaces will require a restart of Android Studio.
How to make your own custom keyboard (OS system level) for all the Apps of your Android device?
In this video it shows steps to create your own custom keyboard for Android device. The keyboard shown in this demo is system level keyboard and will work across any App of your Android device. It makes an entry at the system level and can be configured to be used…
Android Studio – Fix the error “Could not resolve”?
In this video it shows the steps to fix the gradle error in Android studio. Actual issue is with Java version mismatch as explained in the below line of error: To resolve this issue, it changes the Gradle JDK for build in the settings of Android Studio. I hope you…
How to enable “Allow all the time” location permission option for your Android App?
This video shows how one can use the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission option in the App’s manifest file to enable the “Allow all the time” location service for your App. This privilege is required if your App runs in background and still needs location services for its functionality. Android OS, however, is…
How to Turn ON location services (GPS) without navigating to settings page from your Android App?
In this video it shows how can the user of your App turn ON the location services (GPS) of the phone/ device without navigating to the settings page. It uses google play location services libraries for the same. Following library needs to be implemented in the gradle file for the…
How to enable/ disable the GPS (toggle-ON/ OFF) from Android App by calling intent from AlertDialog?
In this video it shows how one can toggle the GPS settings ON and OFF by calling the respective intent from the Android App. It uses the ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS intent to open the respective settings to be toggled by the user. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
How to get IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of your phone programmatically in your Android App?
In this video it shows how to get the unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of your phone (Sim slot) in your Android App programmatically. It uses the TelephonyManager API to get the IMEI of the respective sim slot of the phone. I hope you liked this video, for…