The provided content is an instructional video on saving workspace variables in a .MAT file in MATLAB. The tutorial demonstrates how to load individual variables and handle unidentified functions or variables. Clear, concise steps are provided on how to save and load variables, using examples of ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ variables. It also offers help on addressing unrecognized functions or variables. The author welcomes feedback, questions, and suggestions through a given contact link or email address.
Tag: share
How to pass values between 2 tabs of the UI of MATLAB App Designer R2023a?
The content provides a tutorial video on how to pass the value of an input variable from one tab to another within the user interface of Matlab’s app designer. The video, applicable for all MATLAB versions, includes complete source code and methods that handle component events in MATLAB R2023a.
How to share bitmap image over Telegram, WhatsApp, google photos, etc. from your Android App?
This video shows the steps to share an image over other applications such as Telegram, WhatsApp, google photos, etc. directly from your Android App. In this video it shares the image in bitmap form (as an image) and not as a file. To share the complete files one can refer…
All about SharedPreferences in Android app- create, retrieve and delete the variable – Android Studio Tutorial
This video gives details and demonstrates to create, retrieve or delete the shared preference variables as your Android App data. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: package com.programmerworld.sharedpreferenceapp;import;import…
How to take screenshot from your Android 11 App?
This video shows the steps to develop an Android 11 (API 30) App to take screenshot of your phone. It uses a very simple concept of going to the rootView from any view to get the complete screenshot. It shows 2 approaches: App’s button view and the window view to…
Find interesting blogs on the Apps technology (Android/ iOS) and Software programming (Matlab/ Simulink) under this menu page. Guests visiting this website are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions. They can share their articles and blogs with us at: or email at: We will be glad to post the…