In this video it shows how convert an image from the resource folder in the Android App’s environment to Bitmap in the Android App. It uses “BitmapFactory.decodeResource” API for the same. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
Tag: show
How to show progress bar/ image while waiting for a function (INET/ IP address of a website) to finish in your Android App? – using java.util.concurrent
How to wait for a task/ method to finish before moving ahead in the main thread of your Android App? In this vidoe it shows how to display a wait bar or a progress bar (indeterminate mode) while waiting for a function or method to complete its execution in the…
How to plot arrays (X and Y coordinates) on axes in your Android App without using dependencies or libraries?
In this video it shows how to plot any graph with x and y coordinates in a view in your Android App. It uses Surface view and Image view to plot the coordinates on the plane, 2-dimensional plane. It takes a simple array of 5 numbers or points as x…
How to draw the content of a canvas on SurfaceView and ImageView in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can draw certain objects on a canvas and then print it on a surface view or image view so that it is visible in the layout of the App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to get current system volume level (Music, Alarm, Voice Calls) and set it on seekbar in your Android App?
This video shows the steps to access the volume level of different stream types of your phone and set it on seekbar in your Android App. It also uses textview to display the volume levels in integer form. For setting the volumes from your App, please refer to the below…
How to get the list of all the Apps installed in your Android phone? – Android 12 | API Level 31
In this video it shows how to get the list of all the apps installed in your Android phone in the latest version of API level 31. From API level 30 onwards, it has introduced restrictions to get the list of all the apps by default. For Apps, such as…
How to customize the display icon of your Android App?
In this short video it shows how one can customize the display icon of his/her Android App. Based on the image selected, one will see that image on the icon of the installed App in their Android phone’s screen. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or…