In this video it shows how to get the installation date of any App installed on your Android Phone. In this video it develops an app and then uses the package manager info to fetch the installation date of the app based on it’s package name. Package Manager Info can…
Tag: smartphone
How to host your Android App on Google Play Store? – Step by step guide with Calculator App example
This video shows step by step process to build a very simple calculator App in Android Studio and then upload it (host it) on the Google Play Store. While entering the details of the App on the google play store, it uses very simple, easy and short descriptions and images….
How to create and delete a file programmatically from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to create and delete a file in your phone’s file system from your Android App. It uses a sample file ABC.pdf for this demo. In this App 2 buttons are created, one for creating the file and another for deleting the file. It uses…
How to get the device last location (using GPS/ Network) without using Map Layout in your Android App?
This video shows how to implement the FusedLocationProviderClient from the Google’s play-services-location to get the last location of the device. In this approach it need not to use the google maps layout or use the Google Maps API key required to get the google map information. This approach uses the…
How to insert splash screen at the start of your Android App?
In this video it shows how to create a splash screen (welcome screen) at the start of your Android App. This splash screen is displayed while your App takes time to load on the mobile. The splash screen can be used to display company’s (App’s) logo or certain information which…
How to insert floating pop-up window layout on top of the main layout in your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to create a pop-up window floating on top of the main layout of the App. It uses the layout inflater to inflate the pop-up window layout and then uses the popupwindow API to create the pop-up window. In this example it shows a…
How to get IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of your phone programmatically in your Android App?
In this video it shows how to get the unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of your phone (Sim slot) in your Android App programmatically. It uses the TelephonyManager API to get the IMEI of the respective sim slot of the phone. I hope you liked this video, for…
How to create stored procedure in MS SQL database server and run (call) it from your Android App?
This video shows the complete end to end steps to create a simple stored procedure in MS SQL server and call the same from the Android App. In the first part of the video it shows how to create a simple stored procedure using MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)….
How to log call data such as number, name, duration, type(incoming or outgoing) in your Android App?
This video shows a very simple and easy way to create a call logging Android App. In this App, it uses a very simple layout and a button to trigger call logging. However, a developer can use this concept to integrate in their much more advance App development. In the…