In this video it shows how to save the contacts directly from your Android App programmatically. It uses ContentProviderOperation to structure the input and then insert it in the phone’s content as a new contact. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us…
Tag: smartphone
How to get unique Android ID of your phone/ device in your Android App?
How to uniquely identify (get Android ID) your Android phone from your Android App? In this video it shows the steps to implement the code in which the unique Android ID of the phone or device is fetched. The Android ID is unique to each device and the value is…
How to customize the date and time in any format using the calendar API in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can customize the date and time to any format. It uses the calendar API to pull or extract the elements of date and time such as Days, Month, Year and Hours, Minute and Seconds. It takes the instance from the calendar to capture…
How to detect whether Airplane mode is enabled or disabled (ON/ OFF) from your Android App programmatically?
In this short video it shows how to check whether the Airplane mode of the phone is Enabled or disabled from your Android App’s code (programmatically). I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code:…
How to enable/ disable the GPS (toggle-ON/ OFF) from Android App by calling intent from AlertDialog?
In this video it shows how one can toggle the GPS settings ON and OFF by calling the respective intent from the Android App. It uses the ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS intent to open the respective settings to be toggled by the user. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
How to detect GPS is ON or OFF (enabled or disabled) from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to check whether the GPS (location service) on the phone/ device is ON or OFF from your Android App. To do this, in the code it uses “isProviderEnabled” API on the location manager to check whether the service is ON. I hope you like…
How to connect to the Oracle database using JDBC driver from your Android App? – Android Studio Example
In this page it shows the steps to develop the Android App code to connect to the Oracle database. It briefly shows the steps to install and setup the Oracle database on your machine initially. Then it takes through the steps of how to include the jdbc JAR file in…
How to set the color of the selected part of the text in EditText or TextView in your Android App?
In this tutorial it shows how one can set the color of the text (both foreground and background) of the selected part in the EditText or TextView in your Android App. It uses Spannabale string concept to set the color of the selected part of the text. I hope you…
How to convert drawable resource image into bitmap in your Android App?
In this video it shows how convert an image from the resource folder in the Android App’s environment to Bitmap in the Android App. It uses “BitmapFactory.decodeResource” API for the same. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email…
How to save edited text (bold, italic, underline, alignment) in SQLite database in your Android App?
In this video it shows how to save the edit text information, such as Bold, Italics, underline or Left/ right/ center alignmnent (justification) in a SQLite database. Part 1 of this tutorial is available in the below link: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation…