The content reviews a video demonstration of how to use Simulink model design to generate a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal with variable ON and OFF periods. The process involves using a CLOCK block to receive the time component, then applying a REM (remainder) block to acquire the remainder value from the timer. This value sets the threshold for the switch block, dictating the creation of the desired PWM signal. If viewers need additional help or have suggestions, they can contact the creators through their website or email.
Tag: stateflow
How to convert Decimal to Binary to Gray code using your own function in Matlab App Designer in Matlab R2023a?
This video shows the steps to write your own function in MAtlab App Designer to convert a number from Decimal to Binary to Gray code in Matlab 2023a. Details on the Gray code is referred from the wiki page: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions…
How to create random PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Signal with fixed duty cycle in Simulink – Matlab R2023a? – using random number generator block
This video shows the steps to generate PWM signal with random trigger input signal in your Simulink Model of Matlab R2023a. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Screenshots:
How to detect rising edge in signal in your Simulink model in MATLAB R2023a?
This video shows steps to detect the rising edge part in your signal. So, whenever the direction of your signal goes towards a rise, the logic will detect it and generate a pulse signal for those points. It simply uses a combination of delay block and difference (minus) block to…
How to convert Square wave into Pulse wave/ Signal in your Simulink model in MATLAB R2023a?
This video shows how to design a Simulink model to convert a Square waveform to a Pulse Waveform/ signal. It uses all basic blocks such as delay block and switch block to implement the logic. It uses Scope to visualize the output. I hope you like this video. For any…
How to generate PDF report using PUBLISH command in MATLAB?
In this video it shows the use of PUBLISH command to generate a PDF report for your MATLAB code. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Sample MATLAB Script for…
How to download an image file from internet and display in UIAxes using MATLAB script in App Designer?
In this video it shows the steps to download an image file from the internet (https URL) and save it in the local PNG file. In this video it uses sample images from the below webpage: And below are the respective images’ URLs: It uses WEBREAD command to read the…
How to connect to Oracle database and run SQL queries from matlab command line and database explorer App?
In this video it shows the steps to configure the Oracle database in the matlab environment using the database explorer. The it shows how one run a query on the connected database through the database explorer or Matlab commands/ script. In this video it initially shows the result of connecting…
How to read numbers from an image in matlab using ocr (optical character recognition)?
This video shows how one can use OCR from Computer Vision toolbox of Matlab to easily read numbers or digits from an image. It further shows how we can superimpose a rectangle over the boundaries of the text part identified by the OCR in the image. I hope you like…
How to run/execute a MATLAB live script or function from App designer?
This video shows the steps to run a MATLAB Live script/ function from your App designer code. In this video it creates demo live script and function. Then execute them from MATLAB command line and App Designer’s code using the file name. I hope you like this video. For any…