This video shows the steps to compress the image size and save it as another file in the download folder from your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other…
Tag: store
Create your Firebase Realtime database Calendar App to store events or reminders? – Android 13 API 33
In this video it shows the steps to create your firebase database based Calendar App. This App can be used to store your reminders or events in your firebase database. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at:…
Enable google playstore in Emulator/ AVD (Android Virtual Device) in Android Studio
In this video it shows steps to enable google play store option in your Emulator/ Android virtual device in Android Studio. Google play store would be required to download and install other Apps in the Emulator. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to allow “Install unknown apps” in your Andorid phone?
Please note, one should avoid installing unknown Apps or Apps from unknown sources. They may harm the device or retrieve personal user data from the device. So, please follow the below steps only when the App’s installation file (APK) is received from trusted source. However, reliable sources, such as Google…
How to display Ads (google ads banner admob) in your Android App to make money? – Android Studio complete steps
In this video it shows steps to implement google Ads in your Android Apps. In this demo it shows how one can put banner Ads to be displayed on the top of the layout. The steps shown are referred from the google developers page on admob. Link for which is…
How to create your AdMob’s Ad unit to display google Ads on your Android Apps using your adsense and make money?
Steps: – Signup/ Login to your Google AdMob (using your gmail ID): – Check all the details and then after accepting Terms and Condition, create the account: – Select the below options as per your preferences and click Continue: – In the Home page, click “Get Started” – Give…
How to add/ save a new contact in phone directly from your App? – Android Studio code
In this video it shows how to save the contacts directly from your Android App programmatically. It uses ContentProviderOperation to structure the input and then insert it in the phone’s content as a new contact. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us…
How to add a new contact in phone using intent from your Android App?
In this video it shows steps to add new contacts in your phone using the intent type ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE. In this video the major part of the code is taken from the below page of Android developers: However, in this video it shows the above code in action. I hope you…
How to save edited text (bold, italic, underline, alignment) in SQLite database in your Android App?
In this video it shows how to save the edit text information, such as Bold, Italics, underline or Left/ right/ center alignmnent (justification) in a SQLite database. Part 1 of this tutorial is available in the below link: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation…