In this video it shows how to add Logs in Android Java Code and then check it in the Logcat in Android Studio IDE. It adds below Log statement in the code for demonstation. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at:…
Tag: Studio
How to run Python code in Android Studio and fix “No Python interpreter configured for the module” error?
In this video it shows the steps to configure the Android Studio to run Python script in it. It shows the required plugin installation and then steps to solve the Python interpreter error – No Python interpreter configured for the module. I hope you like this video. For any questions,…
How to run Python code in Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to run a python code in Android App’s code. It calls the python script from the Java code. It uses chaquopy plugin, which is Python SDK for Android. Details are available at: The steps for setting the Gradle is taken from this…
How to integrate AI tools, such as Gemini and Amazon Q, in your Android Studio IDE?
In this video it shows the steps to integrate the AI (Artificial intelligence) tools, such as Gemini and Amazon Q, using the Plugins in Android Studio. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code…
How to download/ update your Android Studio version?
In this video it shows the steps to download/ update your Android version using below approaches: I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Screenshots: Approach 1: Downloading latest version: Approach 2: From Welcome Screen -> Right…
How to commit and push the project files to a private Github repo from your Android Studio?
In this video it shows the steps to connect to a private repo from your Android Studio. It uses the Classic token to authenticate the connection. Further, it shows how one can commit and push the files to the Github repo. I hope you like this video. For any questions,…
How to connect to Github and upload the files from Android Studio?
In this video it shows the steps to connect to remote repository Github from your Android Studio. It shows the steps to upload (commit/ push) the files of the master branch in the remote github repo. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact…
How to bring one widget over another in your Android App’s layout? – overlap the widgets
In this video it shows how one can overlap one widget over another in your Android App’s layout. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Details: Screenshots:
How to convert TextView to WebView (HTML) using the WebView.loadData in your Android App?
The video demonstrates how to convert a TextView to a WebView using the loadData API in HTML MIME type. This conversion is performed using the Java package com.programmerworld.textviewtowebview by creating a ‘MainActivity’ class with TextView and WebView properties. Then, in a method called ‘buttonGTextViewToWebView’, the TextView is converted into a string and loaded as ‘text/html’ into the WebView. The corresponding XML design layout uses a ConstraintLayout containing a TextView, Button, and WebView. For queries or suggestions, viewers can contact through the given website or email.
How to solve “Waiting for Target Device to Come Online” error in Android Studio?
The video provides a solution for resolving the “Waiting for Target Device to Come Online” error in Android Studio, which arises when there’s corruption in the emulator’s data during an App’s installation and run. The error can be rectified by wiping the emulator’s data via the Device Manager. Detailed steps are illustrated in the video. For further queries, suggestions, or appreciation, the creators can be contacted through the provided email or website.