Always keep an eye on SMSes from banks or different financial firms. Try to avoid contactless cards (which works with just a touch), always use chip based card which need pin/otp/password number to allow the transaction. Always use card on trustworthy place/website. Do not use public internet to do critical…
Tag: technology
5 safety measures while downloading Android apps online
Whenever we require anything to download we go to various known and unknown websites to download various required things like videos, songs, different files like apk files, pdf files it may be anything which is only available online. In this post, we are specifically talking about safety measures while downloading…
Find interesting blogs on the Apps technology (Android/ iOS) and Software programming (Matlab/ Simulink) under this menu page. Guests visiting this website are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions. They can share their articles and blogs with us at: or email at: We will be glad to post the…