The content presents a tutorial video on how to implement OAuth2 authentication in Android apps. It primarily focuses on creating a new project in Google Cloud Platform, setting up OAuth 2.0 credentials, and utilizing the generated client IDs in the code. The tutorial emphasizes that both web client and Android application type credentials should be established, but only the web application type client ID should be used for authentication purposes. Complete source code for the app is provided. The video can be accessed via a link, and further queries are to be directed to the presented contact details.
Tag: type
How to make your own custom keyboard (OS system level) for all the Apps of your Android device?
In this video it shows steps to create your own custom keyboard for Android device. The keyboard shown in this demo is system level keyboard and will work across any App of your Android device. It makes an entry at the system level and can be configured to be used…
How to make your own custom keyboard (in-app keyboard) for your Android App?
In this video it shows the steps to create your own custom keyboard for your Android App. I hope you like this video. For any questions, suggestions or appreciation please contact us at: or email at: Complete source code and other details: Screenshots:
How to read different sensors data in your Android app? Demo using virtual sensors in Android 13 emulator
This video shows the steps to read the sensors data in your Android App. It uses the emulator and respective virtual sensors to demonstrate it for Android 13/ API 33 level. In this video it shows the steps to read data from below type of sensors: I hope you like…
How to convert .MOV or other video files extension to .MP4, .WMV or .MPEG file type readable by Windows Media Player using VLC?
In this page learn about how to convert media file types, such as .MOV, to a Windows Operating system readable file types, such as MP4, WMV, MPEG, etc. Usually files created in iOS are not compatible in Windows OS. This page can help to quickly translate or convert the video…
How to get make, model, brand, etc. of the phone/ device in your Android App?
In this video it shows how to get the details of the phone such as Model, Manufacturer, Device name, etc. using the Build object in the code. The details of the phone from the Build is available to any app so it can easily be accessed to fetch the details…
How to extract integers from alphanumeric string in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can extract or filter all the digits (integers) from any alphanumeric string/ texts. It uses replaceAll method of the string to replace any non-numeric character with null (that is delete the non-numeric characters). In demo it shows how from our email ID –…
How to detect whether a user is typing or using the keyboard in your Android App?
In this video it shows how one can detect whether the user is using the keyboard for typing within an EditText widget. It uses addTextChangedListener and setOnFocusChangeListener listeners to detect the action of the user. Once the action is detected, that is the user is typing, the respective status is…
How to create and delete a file programmatically from your Android App?
In this video it shows how to create and delete a file in your phone’s file system from your Android App. It uses a sample file ABC.pdf for this demo. In this App 2 buttons are created, one for creating the file and another for deleting the file. It uses…
How to log call data such as number, name, duration, type(incoming or outgoing) in your Android App?
This video shows a very simple and easy way to create a call logging Android App. In this App, it uses a very simple layout and a button to trigger call logging. However, a developer can use this concept to integrate in their much more advance App development. In the…